mercoledì 28 febbraio 2007

La tecnica / la tecnologia


Ensemble des procédés méthodiques fondés sur des connaissances scientifiques employés à la producion. (Robert 1990)


Scienza delle tecniche (Abbé Prévost 1755)

Disciplina che versa sulla immediata applicazione delle scienze fisiche, chimiche e matematiche alle arti e ai mestieri sì che gli artefici delle opere loro non si facciano contro i veri principii scientifici (Tramater 1834)

The ensemble of practices by which one uses available resources in order to achieve certain valued ends. (Jacques Ellul, 1954)

The science which deals with industrial arts (Oxford 1956)

A discourse or treatise on art or arts [1859]. The scientific study of the practical or industrial arts. (Onions 1959)

The science or study of the practical or industrial arts. (Webster 1979)

1. Wissenschaften ven den Produktionstechnik.
2. gesamtheit der Kentnisse, Fähigkeiten und Möglichkeiten auf dem gebiet der Produktionstechnik. (Duden 1982)

Studio dei procedimenti e delle attrezzature necessarie per la trasformazione di una materia prima in un prodotto industriale. (Zingarelli 1983)

1. Lehre von der Entwicklung der Technik in ihren gesellschaftlichen Zusam-menhängen. 2. Lehre und Anwendung der technischen Produktionsverfahren. (Brockhaus 1984)

1. The application of practical or mechanical sciences to industry or commerce. 2. The methods, theory, and practices governing such applications. 3. The total knowledge and skills available to any human society. (Collins 1989)

Théorie générale et études specifiques (outils, machines, procédés) des techniques. (Robert 1990)

The activity or study of using scientific knowledge for practical purposes in industry, farming, medicine, business, etc. (Cobuild 1990)

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